One of the risks of the weather in Georgia heating up well before school lets out for the summer is that Georgia children could face dangerously hot conditions both in the classroom and outside for school related activities. While Georgia schools are equipped with air conditioning, the system could fail leaving your children to face heat in the classroom. Your children can also be in a dangerous situation if the school does not follow safety guidelines around school related outdoor activities.
In this article, the personal injury lawyers at Powell & Associates offer tips on how to protect kids from extreme heat in the classroom and outdoors in Georgia.
Dress Children Appropriately for the Heat
One important step parents can take to help protect their kids from extreme heat while they are at school is to make sure that the children are dressed appropriately for the weather. Loose fitting, light colored clothing is best if your kids will be spending any time outdoors. While your children may need their favorite hoodie or pull over in case they get chilly sitting in class with the school’s air conditioning running, you should make sure they are not wearing at other times during the day. It could be especially dangerous if they are overly bundled up on the bus or during outdoor recess.
Report Hot Classroom Conditions Immediately
While classrooms in Georgia should have air conditioning you should know what to expect if there is an issue with the AC. Such an issue recently occurred at Columbus High School here in Georgia. The air conditioning in the building was not working properly at the start of the 2019 school year causing hot classrooms and a smell in the building. In this instance, the school’s maintenance crew notified the Muscogee County School Board of the situation and the problem was quickly fixed. The school also notified parents that they were making adjustments to accommodate student’s needs while the air conditioning was down.
In this instance, the problem was handled well and no students were harmed. If you become aware of a similar problem at your child’s school you should make sure the proper officials have been notified.
Double Check the School’s Heat Safety Procedures
Georgia schools have heat safety guidelines and procedures that they must follow. Be sure that you know what these policies are and report any violation to the proper authorities immediately. Some heat safety procedures for Georgia schools include:
- No school related sports practices when the reading on the Wet Bulb Globe is 92 or above
- School must modify outdoor sports practices when the reading is 82 or above
- A mandatory five-day acclimation period before any outdoor summer sports practices
- Schools should have an established maximum temperature for outdoor recess and provide an indoor activity if it is exceeded.
- In addition to temperature, school officials should also consider: humidity, heat index, age of students, length of time outside, and the amount of shade in the outdoor area being used
Heat Related Injury at School? Contact Atlanta, GA Personal Injury Lawyers
If your child has suffered a heat related injury that you believe is the fault of the school or a school employee, contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at Powell & Associates immediately. Call us at 844-475-2948 or complete our online contact form to schedule your free legal consultation and we will review the situation and determine if you have a case.